Lalito’s Birthday

Lalito’s Birthday

José Ezequiel Cardoso, “Lalito”is having bithday this April 10 : A beloved character of this city and member of Trio D Gomez.

The Trio D Gomez is a traditional group, with its two guitars and minor percussion, has an excellent second voice (Carlos Gomez) and a repertoire that covers the most authentic of the Cuban and Sancti Spíritus trova.

“Lalito”, for his part, is for many the Monk of the Trova: Studious and talkative, there is no cultural event in the Villa that escapes his good humor and his communicative eagerness.

Friendly and cheerful, he has lived with intensity the nights of serenade and the sonorous intricacies of the city. Nobody like “Lalito” to treasure experiences and anecdotes that he generously shares.

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